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8th Grade Science-Period 6 Assignments

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Week 17 - Practice CER Questions (Extra Credit) in Google Classroom

Week 17 - Practice CER Questions (Extra Credit)

These are the practice CER Questions for our Unit 2 Exam which we'll be taking Tuesday. This practice has two CER questions, but in our real exam, we'll only have 1 to complete. If you complete this before test day, I'll excuse/replace another missing assignment in the grade book.


Week 16 - Extra Credit in Google Classroom

Week 16 - Extra Credit

This is an extra credit opportunity for lesson 3.1. Students will be reading about Fiber Optic Cables and learning how we use light waves to communicate.

This grade will replace an old missing/low classwork or homework grade. I do not give partial credit on extra credit assignments .


Week 16 - Friday (Extra Credit) in Google Classroom

Week 16 - Friday (Extra Credit)

Today we're wrapping up our evidence collection + reasoning to help us decide the cause of Australia having a higher rate of skin cancer.


Week 16 - Thursday in Google Classroom

Week 16 - Thursday


Week 16 - Wednesday in Google Classroom

Week 16 - Wednesday

Today we'll continue lesson 3.1. We're still answering the chapter question: Why does Australia get more UV light than other parts of the world?

To do this we're going to use our light wave simulation to learn more about what happens to light as it travels and build our vocabulary so we can use science terms when discussing what is happening to our light.


Week 16 - Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 16 - Tuesday

Today we'll begin lesson 3.1. We're going to begin to answer the chapter question: Why does Australia get more UV light than other parts of the world?

To do this we're going to first start to learn more about what happens to light as it travels.


Week 16 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 16 - Monday

Today we'll be wrapping up lesson 2.5 with a CER.


Week 17 - Practice Exam (Extra Credit) in Google Classroom

Week 17 - Practice Exam (Extra Credit)

These are the practice Multiple Choice Questions for our Unit 2 Exam which we'll be taking Tuesday. The real exam will also be 12 MC Questions (+CER). If you complete this before test day, I'll excuse/replace a missing assignment in the grade book.


Week 15 - Friday in Google Classroom

Week 15 - Friday

We're going to be continuing practicing our evidence gathering. On Monday students will be tasked with writing a CER. The evidence from the CER will be taken from this week's activities.

Included in this post is a video walkthrough of today's assignment


Week 15 - Thursday in Google Classroom

Week 15 - Thursday

The main activity for today will be to analyze different pieces of information in order to practice gathering evidence and using that evidence to help us answer a question. These skills are important for developing our ability to write CERs. The directions for each activity are below, but here is a video walkthrough of what we’re doing today: Walkthrough


Week 15 - Wednesday in Google Classroom

Week 15 - Wednesday

Follow up writing activity to yesterday's SIM activity. Includes a video walkthrough on what you're supposed to do.


Week 15 - Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 15 - Tuesday


Week 15: Monday - Melanin Article in Google Classroom

Week 15: Monday - Melanin Article

Hello studnets, today we will be reading an article titled: What is Melanin? You all will read the short article, summarize each paragraph, and will answer two question on the entire article. This assignment shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes.

I'm also including a link to the article being read out loud, if that's something you would like.


Week 14 Thursday in Google Classroom

Week 14 Thursday

This is the second synchronous activity for the week! Please complete whenever your Cohort has zoom class.


Week 14: Waves Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

Week 14: Waves Exit Ticket

This is going to be our second asynchronous assignment for the week. Students will be taking the official exit ticket (remember exit tickets + quizzes are 30% of your grade) on Waves.

To do you best on this activity, please make sure you've completed the Monday and first synchronous activity (Tuesday's assignment for Cohort A/ Wednesday's assignment for Cohort B).


Week 14 - Wednesday in Google Classroom

Week 14 - Wednesday

Asynchronous assignment for Lesson 2.3
Article Reading + Review Questions
Extra Credit Opportunity embedded


Week 14 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 14 - Monday

Asynchronous assignment for this week! This needs to be done before your synchronous lesson, otherwise you will be behind & confused!
Estimated to take 30 mins & includes a Do now, Reading, and Simulation (video for those who can't access amplify)


Week 14 - Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 14 - Tuesday

Synchronous assignment!
We'll be learning more about wavelength and amplitude & taking an exit ticket at the end


Make Up Work Document in Google Classroom

Make Up Work Document

Are you panicking about your grades?
Do you need a list of the assignments that are worth the most or easiest to do to bring your grade up?
Well this is the document for you!

Note: Check your grades before you complete these assignments. This is a general list. DON’T waste your time re-doing things you’ve already done/scored well on.

I complied this list because I was getting too many emails asking which assignment students can redo. Everything on this document is fair game. Nothing from Unit 1 will be accepted after Sunday.


UNIT 1 EXAM RETAKE in Google Classroom


This is the retake for the Unit 1 Exam. Although they look similar, I have made changes.

You have until Sunday at 5pm to complete this re-take. This gives you 6 days to study & take the exam. It is in your best interest to complete any missing work and practice assignments BEFORE you do the re-take. Don't just rush through things, actually take your time and LEARN.

This will be the only opportunity for retakes. You cannot edit your responses after you submit them Take your time and try your best!


Week 13 - Thursday: Lesson 2.1 in Google Classroom

Week 13 - Thursday: Lesson 2.1

Today we will be going over our Monday + Tuesday Asynch Assignments on Lesson 1.4 + Beginning Lesson 2.1


Week 13 - Friday: Lesson 2.1 Exit Ticket in Google Classroom

Week 13 - Friday: Lesson 2.1 Exit Ticket

This is the exit ticket that goes along with our Thursday activity. You will be deciding an answer to the Investigative Question (Is all light the same? ) and supporting or refuting a student's claim based on evidence you will be collecting from a simulation.


Week 13 - Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 13 - Tuesday

Hi Scientists!

1. Today we will be completing our asynchronous activity on Google Forms, since I got some feedback that you guys liked forms better than google docs!

2. I tried to make the form as straight forward & clear as possible, but it's my first time so sorry in advance if there are any typos/confusion.

3. I recorded a video of myself walking through each part of the assignment, where I read everything out loud. I also try to give a few tips as well, so please use this in case you get stuck / need that support.

4. You can save & edit your responses if you can't do it all at once, but please just remember to hit SUBMIT. The form will not save your answers if you don't hit submit. You also have to use your student email. I won't grade this until Thursday morning, so you have until then to work on/finish this assignment!

<3 Enjoy your Vetern's Day Break
~ Ramzi


Week 13 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 13 - Monday

This assignment is broken down into 3 parts. Each part has its own video guide and set of questions for students to complete. We will not be completing this in class, so please make sure this is completed by the time we are asynchronous.

Total length of videos = 8 minutes


Week 12 - Friday in Google Classroom

Week 12 - Friday


Week 12 Extra Credit in Google Classroom

Week 12 Extra Credit


Week 12 - Thursday  in Google Classroom

Week 12 - Thursday

The following document will begin or collection of evidence to prove whether or not light carries energy. Watch the attached videos, and answer the 3 activity questions, along with the exit ticket at the end.


Week 12 - Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 12 - Tuesday


Week 12 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 12 - Monday

Pre-Assessments are for a completion grade. Completing this pre-assessment can replace the Unit 1 Pre-assessment grade.
Write on the document & highlight your answer choices.


UNIT 1 EXAM in Google Classroom



Week 11 - Wednesday: Practice Exam in Google Classroom

Week 11 - Wednesday: Practice Exam

This practice exam is the same length as our unit exam (10 Multiple Choice Questions + 1 CER). Although there is no time limit, you will have 45 minutes for the exam tomorrow, so time yourself to see if you can complete the exam in time.

This practice is a completion grade, so as long as you have turned it in filled out, you will get credit. I am not scoring for accuracy. At the end of the day, I will post a key so you may check your answers.

There is extra tutoring today from 3:30 -4:00 if you would like to join & talk about any questions, the upcoming exam, or CER. Use the normal class zoom link to join.

Lastly, I included our slide show from yesterday if you want to go over CERs again. In the last few slides I have some tips for our CER tomorrow as well.


Week 11 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 11 - Monday

Asynchronous Assignment for today!


Week 11 - Tuesday: CER Practice in Google Classroom

Week 11 - Tuesday: CER Practice


Week 10 - Friday in Google Classroom

Week 10 - Friday

Instructions: As you read the article, highlight the main scientific idea of each paragraph and type in your answer to the questions for each paragraph in the column to the right. The first paragraph has been completed for you as an example.


Week 10 Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 10 Tuesday

Lesson 3.2


Week 10 - Wednesday in Google Classroom

Week 10 - Wednesday

Completing Part 3 from yesterday's activity. If you completed this yesterday, please submit the document again.


Week 10 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 10 - Monday

Asteroid Collection Mission Follow Up Q's


Thursday - Purple in Google Classroom

Thursday - Purple


Week 9 - Thursday in Google Classroom

Week 9 - Thursday


Week 8 - Thursday in Google Classroom

Week 8 - Thursday

You may begin this assignment early IF you do not have ANY late work to submit for this class


Week 8 Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 8 Tuesday

Today we are completing missing work and assignments with a major focus on the Force Quiz, Critical Juncture Written Response, and Critical Juncture Multiple Choice (as these assignments are worth the most).

Students who have completed these assignments have the chance to go back and resubmit responses, in order to try and raise their grade AND/OR work on missing/late work for THIS class.


Week 8 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 8 - Monday

Family Homework Experiend


Week 7 - Friday : Critical Juncture Multiple Choice questions in Google Classroom

Week 7 - Friday : Critical Juncture Multiple Choice questions

Please complete the following 12 multiple choice questions. If you did not complete yesterday's writing activity, please make sure to do that as well!


Week 7 - Thursday in Google Classroom

Week 7 - Thursday

Complete the document and multiple choice section


Week 6 - Friday in Google Classroom

Week 6 - Friday

Follow along on your document to Read the text and answer the questions.
Direction on the end to access the document on Amplify

Clever Log in:
- Force and Motion Unit
- Chapter 2
- Lesson 2.2
- Activity 2 - (Will include text - to - speech for those who are interested)


Week 6 - Thursday in Google Classroom

Week 6 - Thursday

Complete the document and submit by the end of class
Powerpoint for today included as well.


Week 6 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 6 - Monday

Hello Scholars,

Today's Asynch assignment will be completed entirely on Amplify. Follow the directions on the attached document to open up and complete the correct activities.


Week 6 - Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 6 - Tuesday

Tuesday's Classwork


Week 4 - Friday (Cohort A Checklist) in Google Classroom

Week 4 - Friday (Cohort A Checklist)

Cohort A! Your assignment this week is to complete a grade book check (in the doc) and complete any late work you have for my class! Complete this checklist activity and turn it in & then get started on any work you haven't turned in!!!!

After Sunday, Late work from week 0, 1, and 2 will not be accepted!!!


Week 3 - Friday in Google Classroom

Week 3 - Friday

Review Velocity and Friction. Due by the start of class Tuesday!


Week 3 - Wednesday in Google Classroom

Week 3 - Wednesday

This is the assignment that scholars will be completing on Wednesday! We're finishing up Lesson 1.3 in the Force and Motion Unit. Please complete all parts of the assignment. We will be going over it on Thursday, so NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED!


Week 2 - Friday in Google Classroom

Week 2 - Friday

Complete the Friday Assignment on the provided google doc, and turn in back in to the google classroom.
The powerpoint is helpful because it contains a video on how to use the simulations and some more detailed instructions for the Part 2 Activity.


Week 2 - Tuesday in Google Classroom

Week 2 - Tuesday

Hello Scholar,
Please make sure you complete each part of this assignment and answer all the questions. I am attaching the video you will need to watch here as well!.


Week 2 - Wednesday in Google Classroom

Week 2 - Wednesday

Complete this google form to get some practice with force & a reminder of all assignments due.


Week 2 Monday in Google Classroom

Week 2 Monday

Follow along the 'Week 2 Monday' instruction to ensure you have completed all the tasks for your Cohort. By the end of the day, all students will have completed 1) Unit 1 Pre-test, 2) EdPuzzle Assignment, and 3) Exit Ticket.


Week 1 - Monday in Google Classroom

Week 1 - Monday

This Asynchronous assignment will be completed by all 8th Grade Integrated Science students. I want you to use this template to create a powerpoint presentation about yourself (like Ramzi did last week). Each slides tells you what you should include. You can use your own pictures or pictures from google. You can change the theme/include gifs or memes/ etc. Be creative! Have Fun!


Week 0 Assignment 1 in Google Classroom

Week 0 Assignment 1

Hello Class! If you are in Cohort A (Periods 1-6) you will be completing this assignment on your own on Wednesday, our first day of online learning. Please make sure you complete all parts of the assignment. The only thing you will be turning in are the Google Forms.